Tuesday, July 21, 2015

WOW! It's been a long time since posting.

My goodness, how time flies! 

We are NOT in a drought this year.  Finally!  We've had quite a bit of rain this last spring and now the summer monsoons are here.

The grass is a bit high out front and everywhere else this year also.  Do you see the dog on the path poking her nose through the grass waiting for me to throw her ball? Much of this grass comes up to my shoulders.  I need a goat.  heh

I am also down to two dogs now.  Snowy and Tuffy.  Snowy is feeling her age.  Her brother Merlin passed away last year.  She still misses him.

Tuffy is the ever energetic border collie who shows no signs of slowing down.  :)  Here she is anxiously awaiting me to throw the ball.  What an amazing focus she has.


The Mora River is really running. This is unusual for July, especially.  This time of year this is usually a dry river bed with just a little water flowing in the underground stream.  This is about a foot high. It's wonderful to see.  The valley is green everywhere!!!