Monday, November 02, 2009

Catchin' Up!

The was little in the garden this past summer to wonder over. The whole summer was cool days and cold nights. Not a very conducive environment for growing. It would help if I had a greenhouse. About half the corn crop came in, the rest did nothing. Each squash vine could only manage to support 1 or 2 [at the most] squashes. Beets, carrots and kale did ok. Very strange weather for a summer. I do hear the earth is in a cooling trend. Even the global warming enthusiasts can't change God's patterns. So they renamed the issue to climate change. Only fools the people who don't research it.


Nipper, the wily old Pom mix at 14 years, needed some aspirin for her aching hip bone problem. I put it into her bowl of food but she was smarter than I. Notice the bowl is spotless except for that aspirin. Sure gave me a laugh.