The last day of the year. I have many things to be thankful for up here. Good friends in the community and good friends still in the old community back in San Diego. We are constantly in touch via chat.
I'm am closer to God up here. There is nothing quite like the mountains to humble one and make me realize how small and insignificant I am compared to the glorious universe I see every clear night. I live at elevation 7,500 feet, so the skies are clear, no smog, no atmosphere interference of any kind except the occasional snow storm. The last storm was a good one and left us with about a foot of snow. This is great for the coming dry seasons. The more snow, the better the ground water and the pines love it. The snow was heavy and wet so has mostly dropped off the trees. I have to be careful where I walk, since it's still falling off the heavy laden branches.
More pictures on www.rten.org
Looking forward into the new year, I hope everyone's New Year is prosperous, safe and happy.
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