During the summer months I was constantly assailed by the beauty of the wild flowers that all seem to come up at different times. We have a continuing run of eye candy during the summer months in the high mountains. Every week there was somenew kind of wildflower just in my yard area.
But there are also things around that are not so nice. I shot this snake late one night with a .22 pistol. He was at the dogs water dish and I had just broken my toe a couple days before so was hobbling out there at 11pm in my sock feet to see what the dogs were so excited about. They instinctively don't like snakes. Well, they didn't like this rattle snake at all. He was a relatively young one, with 6 rattles so he was only about 3 years old. They get a lot bigger up here though. So he was all coiled up with that little rattle going a mile a minute. It was loud enough to hear over the dogs barks. I hobbled back in and got my Ruger Mark III Hunter that was handy to the door and got back out there and shot him.

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