Wednesday, March 15, 2006

The Ides of March

Time flies. March 15 early morning surise. Morning Glory!

As a minimum, be sure you have Adaware, SpywareBlaster, and SpyBot Search & Destroy loaded if you are running Windows. The hackers and spammers have ganged up on the rest of us and they use viruses and trojans to infect our machines.

It is mandatory that everyone running Windows software have a good anti-virus program. Set your AV program to update at least daily.

AVG has a free version for personal use that is very good.

Update, update, update. No one is immune!

Keep up on what the latest exploits are. Check out the internet storm center and see what the latest info is. Another good source of information is the Spywareinfo site.


Celestino. said...

I was browsing some blogs, when I saw yours, Brenda Donovan._ I see you're new to blogspot. Congratulations! _ By the way, you have nice pictures of N.M. on your blog.

ruralgeek said...

Thanks!. This state is camera ready state. Every road has beautiful views.