Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Christmas Snowfall

Snow fell yesterday late in the afternoon into the early evening. We got about 6-7 inches of fresh snow. With a moon just off full, it was beautiful out last night.

I shoveled a path to the heated water bowl so the dogs would have non iced water when I let them out during the night. Once the dogs start using the path, it will get pretty icy and slippery. Their feet are warm and create ice slicks for their human to slip on.

The dogs don't seem to mind the snow. They eat it for the moisture and enjoy running around in it. Even during the storm, the snow sits on top of their fur so they don't feel it like we humans do.

Today, the day after Christmas, the sun is shining and the day dawned beautiful. One view is up the valley [looking north] and the other is up the mountain [to the west] I live on.

Hope everyone's holidays are happy and safe!

Sunday, December 23, 2007

Winter Fun - December 2007

The snows are here, not too deep yet, and the days are beautiful.

The dogs enjoy it and don't seem to be bothered by the cold at all. The puppy was 4 months old on Dec 14th. Tuffy.

Here are a few shots from this month's storms. We are to expect another storm on Christmas day. The winter pictures

Monday, October 08, 2007

High Country Aspens

I took a trip to Taos yesterday along Hwy 518 which crosses the Sangre de Christos. The color up in the high valleys and peaks is beautiful this time of year. Last night was the first really cold night this fall, so this will aid the changing of the leaves.

There should be another few weeks of full color. It's obvious that some of the trees, like some cottonwoods are just starting to change. Also from great distances, you can see the peaks covered in yellow swatches. Until you get closer, it's hard to tell they are groves of aspens.

I have jsut a few more here:

Friday, September 28, 2007

Up the Hill & Over the Pass

Yesterday was beautiful day here in the northern New Mexico mountains. From Mora, we took a drive to US Hill up on the High Road to Taos. We're about a week away from all the fall colors up here. U.S. Hill is about 9,000 ft n elevation.

Up there are wild chamisa plants used in preparing yellow dye for wool. A friend of mine makes her own dyes from all natural plants [] as well as raise all her own sheep for the wool. She is a weaver. Anyway, we drove up to get some chamisa plants so she could make some yellow dye for the wool she is taking to the upcoming wool festival in Taos.

What a gorgeous route over the mountains it is. Hwy 518 is the main road through Mora and it continues on to the west up into the mountains and ends up in Taos. Taos is on the west side of the Sangre de Christos, and Mora where I am is on the east side. The drive through and over the range is beautiful. Especially this time of year.

There were too many pictures for the blog so I put them here.

Sunday, August 12, 2007

Speaking of gardens...

Today I took some more shots of the 25X50 foot garden I put in this summer. [there are more pictures here]

Until the summer monsoons hit, I've had to water every evening. It's come out well. In this picture, you can see carrotts, onions, peas, lettuce, cucumbers, and the main item, six rows of corn.

A few of the lower rows were over run by bind weed. A New Mexico weed that can lay dormant in the ground for up to 50 years. It's insidious. All the tractoring and roto tilling must have awakened it.

I roto tilled in a huge load of sheep manure that had been well composted [no smell] that I got from a friend who is a weaver [Three Bags Full] and raises her own sheep. So ther is ample supply. Sheep manure is better than cow manure.

I've had no problem with rabbits, but the grubs and grasshoppers are eating up a storm.

Second Summer, 3rd snake

I think there must be a nest around here somewhere. Friends up the valley haven't seen any for quite a few years. This was a 3 or 4 year old snake [ going by the number of rattles - 2 or 3per year ]. I shot this one with snakeshot in my Ruger Bearcat .22 - this was July 17th, this year. Shortly after that the monsoon rains started, so we've had afternoon thundershowers most days since then. Great for the gardens.

All three snakes have been by the water dishes by the back yard pump. The two German Shepherds alert me when there is one in the yard. They instinctively do not like snakes.

Monday, May 28, 2007

Memorial Day 2007

I can't say it any better. Freedom always has a cost. Pray for our young soldiers who are still in harms way and remember what price your freedoms cost. bd.

May 28, 2007

We Dare Not Forget
—Albert Mohler

It all started soon after the end of the Civil War, when the families of the fallen went to decorate the graves of their loved ones who had died in the service of their country. Now, Memorial Day is the national holiday that announces the beginning of summer.

We dare not forget the original vision for this observance. Now, over a century after those first American memorials, we enjoy freedoms purchased and protected with the lives of so many who have worn the American uniform--soldiers, sailors and airmen who gave their lives for their country.

This is a day that should bring gratitude to every American heart. This nation has been defended by those who loved liberty more than life, and freedom more than safety. We honor their memory today as an annual reminder of a debt we can never repay. Keep this in mind as you observe this holiday with your family. Freedom is never free.

Albert Mohler is the host of The Albert Mohler Program.

Read Albert Mohler's blog on

And check out Townhall.

Tuesday, May 08, 2007

Traffic Jam in Mora

Occasionally we do get traffic jams here. This one was on Hwy 434 right as I got to town.That's the bridge over the Mora river.

Our little community is spread out and small and there are no traffic lights anywhere in town. Most of the stores and the post office are right on the main drag [Hwy 518] though town. Being the county seat, we do have a courthouse. Well, it is now a set of trailers since the old, historical courthouse is condemned. We have a new library in town now. The old one was refurbished and a community college joined in the reconstruction efforts so it's quite nice for the high school students and the community.